There’s no question that we are living in an increasingly connected and online world. While most businesses understand the importance of having a website and a solid online presence, it’s still amazing how few landscaping companies are taking advantage of the amazing power that video has to absolutely transform their business. From building the brand to influencing customers to finding brand new high-quality clients, video can do it all and even more. While many landscapers are slow to take up a new type of marketing, there are several great reasons why you want to be ahead of the pack on this trend.

Showcase Your Finest Work

landscping designPictures aren’t a bad way to show off good work, and they can be used with social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest to keep social media followers up with what you can do, however, nothing beats video. A well-shot video can take in an entire yard or area with a before video, and you can juxtapose that with a finished video showing your most outstanding work. The ability to put these on your website, on a YouTube channel, and then connect to them allows you to quickly point potential clients to your best videos and let them see first hand what you can do.

Videos from landscaping professionals absolutely trump words and still photos when it comes to convincing someone to hire a new landscape artist, and that means having those quality videos puts you head and shoulders above the competition.

Build An Online Portfolio

Your YouTube channel can do a lot for your business. Aside from always having a place to put up videos that people can find, this allows you to organize your YouTube channel based on topic and style. You can have a collection of videos about hardscaping, about koi ponds & water work, general landscaping in Durham, NC, or even set up expert videos on very specific topics that help establish you as an authority. This online portfolio can help you find more customers and clients over time, as well as make it really easy to display your work to new clients.

Creating an in-depth YouTube channel loaded with your landscaping videos can even create good SEO that causes people to find out about your company without you doing any advertising – they’ll find your videos and then contact you to hire you! A large video collection will make you a recognized authority in the field, and that will benefit you in every way.

Capture New Clients

Good videos are not that hard to set up, and they keep working for you day after day, week after week, year after year. If you run a brief, direct marketing campaign or Google AdWords, once that money is gone, it’s gone. However, those videos can be used (and later re-posted again) on social media and often on your chamber of commerce page, can gain attention on their own, or can spruce up your website. Your videos will keep working for you to convince clients of all sizes that you are the landscaping company they truly want to do business with.

Why Wait Another Day?

Not only is video incredibly useful, and frankly the future of online marketing but all the expenses in making these videos still count as business expenses for tax purposes. This is a tax deductible way to build authority, spread news about your brand, and really get all kinds of new clients who are searching for a variety of different landscaping services online. This building of authority even allows you to expand your brand or maybe even expand the company. There’s no good reason to wait another day – your landscaping company needs to embrace the power of video marketing today!